
Refund Policies

A refund can be made to you only if the shipping label has NOT been created. If it has been created I can not issue a refund. 


You can only exchange blind dates with a book. When purchasing I ask that you provide your Goodreads or a photo of your bookshelf so you can avoid receiving a book you already own. I can not issue a refund or exchange simply because you did not like the book you received. If you book comes damaged, you receive the wrong genre, or got a book you already own you have 30 days to request an exchange. 

Annotated Books

When purchasing please be wary that this is a non-refundable item. Unless your book comes damaged I am not able to issue an exchange or refund. 

Have any other questions or concerns? Feel free to reach out!  - Loversofliterature1@gmail.com